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Chocolate Chip Mug Cake

It is one of the easiest and simplest dessert recipes you’ll ever make.

And you have yourself one of our Dark Choc Chip Brownie Better Being Base mixes in your pantry, you'll most likely have all the other ingredients you'll need too.

Make it for yourself or double the recipe and make it for two... that's if sharing is your thing.

No eggs or oils are required and the only wash up you'll have is a mug and fork!


50g Dark Choc Chip Brownie Better Being Base

50g Mashed Banana

50ml Milk of Choice

1/4 tsp Baking Powder


1 tbsp Choc Chips

1/2 tbsp Chocolate Spread


  1. In a large microwave safe mug mash banana until smooth.

  2. Add in milk and baking powder and whisk with fork.

  3. Pour in Better Being Base mix and mix until all ingredients are combine and batter has no clumps.

  4. Add extra choc chips or chocolate spread (into center)

  5. Place mug into the microwave and microwave mug cake for 45-60 seconds on high

  6. Carefully remove from microwave and enjoy!


All microwaves are different therefore can create different results. Time taken to cook in microwave is based on cooking Mug Cake at 1200watts. Depending on your microwave time may vary.


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